Last Update : September 14, 2024
Mechanics   Mechanics

Useful Documents for Mechanics:
Course Notes, Solutions and Old Exams

Ondes et physique moderne   Waves and Modern Physics (new curriculum)

Useful Documents for Waves and Modern Physics:
Course Notes, Solutions, Old Exams and table of atomic masses

Ondes et physique moderne   Waves, Optics and Modern Physics (old curriculum)

Useful Documents for Waves, Optics and Modern Physics:
Course Notes and Solutions

Laboratoires   Labs

Useful Documents for Labs:
Mechanics Lab Book, Excel Macro for Graphs and Excel Document for Comparing Values


Many Useful Documents

horaire   Schedule

Teacher's Schedule for the Current Semester

Luc Tremblay   Luc Tremblay, Physics Teacher

Know Your Physics Teacher

Liens   Interesting Links

Some Interesting Links in Science

Collège Mérici   Collège Mérici Web Site

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Physics at Mérici
Mechanics | Wave and Modern Physics
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© 2006-24 Luc Tremblay